Friday, March 4, 2011


In India British issued coins Between 1835 & 1947. The Coins issued between 1835& 1858 (1862) was struck under the auchority of East India Company. Coins issued Between  1862 & 1947 was struck under the Auchority of crown also known as Regal issue.

British Rulers

Coins issued between 1862 & 1947 carried portait of the crowned emperor / empress of England. Coinage during this period was termed as Imperial Coinage or Uniform coinage during this period the coins were issued uniformly coinage during this period the coins were issued uniformly to whole of India including Pakistan Bangladesh and Burma.
  1. William IV 1830 1837 A.D
  2. Queen Victoria 1837 1901 A.D
  3. Edward VII 1901 1910 A.D
  4. George V 1911 1936 A.D
  5. George VI 1936 1947 A.D
Monetary System
3 Pies = 1 Pice
4 Pice =1 Anna
16 Annas = 1 Rupee
15 Rupees = 1 Mohur

Coins During British was minted from the following mints
  1. Madras Mint : It was setup in 1640 and was closed by 14th Aug 1869
  2. Bombay Mint: It was setup in 1671
  3. Calcutta Mint: It was setup in 1759
  4. During 1829 British upgraded Bombay and Calcutta mint with latest machines.